Looking for Joy?

Little did I know when I was preparing to speak on Joy (and Sorrow) this last Sunday, from John 16, how relevant of a topic it would be. The Lord knew.

After service I read that the democratic party had adopted this philosophy of selling Joy as a answer to the worlds problems. All the main stream media can talk about is how Kamala is “bringing back joy” to the democratic party and how her joy is strength.

Sorry to disappoint you, but her joy is a worldly joy, and the joy the world has to offer is temporary, and honestly, no joy at all.

Let me use John 16:20 to illustrate. This verse gives us a picture of the Joy found in Christ as compared to the Joy found in the World. It says this:

Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. - John 16:20, ESV

Jesus is talking to his disciples. This talk is happening literally hours before Jesus would be arrested and crucified. What Jesus is saying, though his disciples don’t fully comprehend yet, is that the disciples will weep and lament over his death, yet their sorrow will turn to Joy at his resurrection.

Yet, in contrast, we see in verse 20, that the world will rejoice over the death of Jesus. 

The world finds its joy in death, and that is because of satan. The Bible tells us that the whole world is under the power of the evil one, satan, and that satan is a deceiver, the father of lies, and a murderer. He is described as a roaring lion, prowling around, seeking someone to devour, and also a thief, that he has come to steal, kill and destroy.

Therefore, death is what brings the world Joy, and if you don’t believe me, well, it was never more self evident this week than during the Democratic convention, as they rejoiced, while allowing Planned Parenthood to perform over 25 abortions right outside the convention in their mobile clinic.

It is a demonic culture of death, and the world rejoices because of it.

So, if you are really seeking Joy, then understand, true Joy can only come from Jesus. It is a joy that rejoices in life. True Life.

The world just celebrates and rejoices death.

So, where do you find your Joy?